Exit Execution Workshop (Philadelphia) Part 5: How much work is an Exit?

BY Basil Peters

Exit Execution Workshop (Philadelphia) Part 5: How much work is an Exit?

This is the fifth in a series of eight posts on Exits Execution – the Philadelphia Series. In this session, Basil estimates how much total time is required to strategize, prepare, and execute an exit.
The Exit Execution series follows the Exit Preparation presentation and Exit Strategies – The Waterloo Series available on the exits.partners blog.

The Exit Execution workshop was first presented at the Angel Capital Association Annual Summit in Philadelphia on May 9, 2016.

EXIT Execution – THE Philadelphia SERIES

A fully-marketed exit transaction requires from one to two person years if managed by an experienced team. Many founders attempt to manage the exit process themselves, almost always with unsatisfactory outcomes. Running the business is a full-time job and so is managing the exit. You can’t do an excellent at both at the same time. Either the exit, or the company will suffer; often both. At the very least, the exit will take much longer and require more effort, which is never in the interest of the founder and his/her shareholders.